We look forward to working you in the June 2021 VHF contest. Our new strategy for Saturday contest start is to engage as many fixed stations as possible at the start of the contest. We will set up with one rover each in the four grid corners of EL09 / EL19 / EL08 / EL18 in the oil fields near Falls City, TX. We’ll point beams north toward Austin and San Antonio, run the bands with as many fixed stations as we can, then each of us will rotate one grid clockwise, and do it again. We repeat this four times. The result should be that each fixed station that participates can get 64 or more contacts (4 rovers * 4 bands * 4 grids) plus more if you do 902MHz or higher. The main difference here is to focus on fixed stations first rather than our own grid circling. We will use the normal call channels. Band runs will start at 144.200, then 222.1, 432.1, and finally 50.130 or whatever’s open on 6m. All SSB. Here are the participants:
KA5D/R: Brothers Kyle (KA5D) and Kourt (KB5PRZ) will be operating limited rover, 6m-70cm.
KD5IKG/R: Tim is operating unlimited rover, 6m-5.7GHz.
W5TN/R: David (W5TN) and Manoj (W5KYE) will be operating limited rover, 6m-70cm.
K2EZ/R: Andrea will be operating classic rover, 6m-5.7GHz.
Here’s a close-up of the grid corner we’ll operate from:
We will be beaconing on APRS as KA5D-6, so look for us using this aprs.fi link. Connectivity permitting, we’re also on the VHF-Chat.slack.com Slack server in the “3-rover-raregrid” channel using the handle “Kyle KA5D”. We’re going to do our best to ensure that fixed stations get an opportunity to work as many rover & grids combos as practical at the start of the contest.
Once we’re done in the oil fields, we’ll move to Devil’s backbone for by dinner on Saturday. Sunday we move north from Austin to Hico and will circle up there. Below is the map of the route for the whole contest.
See you on the air!
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