There is a new repeater serving central Austin. Details: KA5D/R, 441.325+, pl 186.2. It accept analog FM or C4FM digital as input, and it outputs analog FM. Here's the coverage prediction: … [Read more]
SOTA on Guadalupe Peak, Texas
On Memorial Day Weekend 2015, we packed Der Funkwagen for a family trip to the highest mountain in Texas...Guadalupe Peak at 8,749 feet, inside the Guadalupe Mountains National Park. The weather was perfect in the West Texas desert, in contrast to … [Read more]
Der Funkwagen in the June 2015 VHF contest
The June VHF contest makes me excited with the possibilities. Anything can happen with the right propagation.We learned this during last year's June VHF contest, when a generous six meter band opening enabled us to win the Western Gulf Division … [Read more]
Getting ready for the June 2015 VHF contest
This year we're very prepared for the June 2015 VHF contest, with better routes, better stops, and some antenna and software upgrades. We're operating limited rover class on 6m, 2m, and 70cm. We're going to start at Ham-Com in Irving TX Saturday and … [Read more]
Tracking our Rover
During VHF contests, we operate a "Limited Rover" class station throughout Texas from a VW Westfalia dubbed "Der Funkwagen." You can track our position using this link. Look for us and call for us on 6m, 2m, and 70cm amateur bands. … [Read more]
My Favorite Social Network is Ham Radio
As an IT professional, I've made it my business and pleasure to use various social networks and communications tools, from the BBS system in the 80s, to IRC and instant messenger in the 90s, to the social networks of the 2000s. After reading this … [Read more]
Obligatory Shack Photo
Here's the latest version of the KD5EUO station. … [Read more]
KD5EUO has a logo!
Here is the new logo for KD5EUO: … [Read more]
ARRL Field Day 2013 with Los Chupacabraderos
Every year the confederation of loose cannons known as "Los Chupacabraderos" heads into the woods to compete in the ARRL Field Day. Fueled by venison and beer, we like to rough it and operate single transmitter, five watts power (QRP) on battery and … [Read more]
Tripping through Central Texas in a Westfalia VHF Rover
Several times a year the ARRL sponsors a VHF contest. This January my brother Kourt KB5PRZ and I decided to participate. Kourt recently acquired a Volkwagen Westfalia camper van, and we set about equipping it for VHF rover work in the "limited rover" … [Read more]